LDA 101 Games for Better Behaviour Book

LDA 101 Games for Better Behaviour Book


Product code: HE1005988


This popular book in the 101 Games for... series is full of engaging games and activities that will help children to develop the skills and attributes needed for positive behaviour and effective learning. Written by Jenny Mosley and Helen Sonnet.

This comprehensive collection includes games that will help children to explore the five areas highlighted in the SEAL resource pack: self-awareness, managing feelings, motivation, empathy and social skills. Through exciting activities, children will learn that an effective community is built on co-operation, tolerance and enjoyment.

101 Games for Better Behaviour will help teachers to contribute to the emotional journey that each individual they teach makes through childhood and in their adult life.

Contains 144 pages.

Size: 246 x 168mm.

This book is one of those that gets dog-eared, book marked and borrowed! The authors have put together a wide range of fun activities that address the causes of a poor classroom behaviour. The activities tick curriculum boxes and what's more, many of them need little or no preparation!Mike Fleetham

Further Information

Age Recommended from
5 Years
Jenny Mosley; Helen Sonnet
Development Need
Teaching & Support
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Pack size
Product Type

This popular book in the 101 Games for... series is full of engaging games and activities that will help children to develop the skills and attributes needed for positive behaviour and effective learning. Written by Jenny Mosley and Helen Sonnet.

This comprehensive collection includes games that will help children to explore the five areas highlighted in the SEAL resource pack: self-awareness, managing feelings, motivation, empathy and social skills. Through exciting activities, children will learn that an effective community is built on co-operation, tolerance and enjoyment.

101 Games for Better Behaviour will help teachers to contribute to the emotional journey that each individual they teach makes through childhood and in their adult life.

Contains 144 pages.

Size: 246 x 168mm.

This book is one of those that gets dog-eared, book marked and borrowed! The authors have put together a wide range of fun activities that address the causes of a poor classroom behaviour. The activities tick curriculum boxes and what's more, many of them need little or no preparation!Mike Fleetham

Further Information

Age Recommended from
5 Years
Jenny Mosley; Helen Sonnet
Development Need
Teaching & Support
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Pack size
Product Type

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