Pick & Play - Dash - Assorted

Pick & Play - Dash - Assorted


Product code: HE1606586


Perfect for Key Stage 2, the Pick & Play Dash kit keeps playtime fun while offering new challenges and skills to develop.

  • Age suitability: 3 years +
  • Contents may vary*

What's in the pack?

12 x PVC rings

12 x beanbags

12 x team bands

12 x coloured tennis balls

4 x Gilbert netballs

12 x dimple soccer balls

6 x air foam flyers

4 x telephone quoits

1 x hand pump

*Any Items that are unavailable will be replaced with a similar product of the same or higher value.

By Key Stage 2 children are exploring and learning new sports and activities. With these kits, individuals or groups of children can set up their own games. Throw down lines or cones offer a quick, simple way to zone the playground when there are multiple games, creating safe spaces for each activity.

The Dash, Boost and Spark kits keep playtime fun with equipment that will offer new challenges as skills continue to develop.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
7 Years
Age Recommended to
11 Years
Pick & Play
Country of Manufacture

Perfect for Key Stage 2, the Pick & Play Dash kit keeps playtime fun while offering new challenges and skills to develop.

  • Age suitability: 3 years +
  • Contents may vary*

What's in the pack?

12 x PVC rings

12 x beanbags

12 x team bands

12 x coloured tennis balls

4 x Gilbert netballs

12 x dimple soccer balls

6 x air foam flyers

4 x telephone quoits

1 x hand pump

*Any Items that are unavailable will be replaced with a similar product of the same or higher value.

By Key Stage 2 children are exploring and learning new sports and activities. With these kits, individuals or groups of children can set up their own games. Throw down lines or cones offer a quick, simple way to zone the playground when there are multiple games, creating safe spaces for each activity.

The Dash, Boost and Spark kits keep playtime fun with equipment that will offer new challenges as skills continue to develop.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
7 Years
Age Recommended to
11 Years
Pick & Play
Country of Manufacture

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